Setup options for classes and students Follow
What’s right for your school or district?
Thank you for choosing to use Hāpara to make learning visible. All of us at Hāpara look forward to working with you and others from your school.
This chart is designed to educate school technical administrators and instructional leaders on the options available for loading class and student data into Hāpara, as well as to help you to choose the setup options best suited to your school. Below is a list of data loading options that are available for provisioning classes with both technical and instructional considerations for each option.
Not all data loading options will be suitable for your school, and the choices you make regarding your Hāpara setup have both technological and instructional implications. We recommend you choose a data loading method that best meets your school’s needs. You can book a call with our helpful Implementation Specialists to guide you through the options and offer recommendations on which option would be best for you.
Technical considerations of Hāpara setup:
Hāpara setup options |
Choose one |
Choose or use *This column is not |
Supplemental |
Manual load through Spreadsheet/CSV. |
cURL Load |
Clever, Powerschool, ClassLink Roster Server
Google Classroom Sync |
Hāpara Create Class |
Syncs with |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Syncs with Google Classroom |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Daily automated sync |
X |
X |
X |
Instructional considerations of Hāpara setup:
Teacher Dashboard is affected instructionally by the option you choose to set up Hāpara in your school. Your data load choice will have a small effect on Student Dashboard. How you decide to set up Hāpara has no instructional effect on Highlights or Workspace.
If your school uses Google Classroom, make sure to review the instructional considerations closely and ensure you are choosing the correct setup method.
Student Dashboard
The class name students see in Student Dashboard will vary depending upon the setup method chosen:
- Manual load and cURL load: The class title shown in Student Dashboard matches the class title in the data spreadsheet.
- Clever/Powerschool/ClassLink Roster Server: The class title shown in Student
Dashboard is taken from the class title from the SIS/SMS. There are three formatting
options for class name:- ClassName-SISID
- ClassName-Period - SIS or SMS ID
- ClassName-Section - SIS or SMS ID
- Hāpara Create Class: The class title is chosen and created by the individual that creates that class.
- Google Classroom Sync: The class title shown in Student Dashboard matches the class title in Google Classroom.
Teacher Dashboard
The ‘Dashboard’ view of Teacher Dashboard shows a specific folder(s) from students’ Google Drives. The main instructional purpose behind visibility into this folder(s) is to allow teachers quick and easy access to the documents students are currently working on to provide in-time feedback. This folder will be different depending on which setup option is chosen. The table below explains which folder from students’ Google Drives is visible in the ‘Dashboard’ view of Teacher Dashboard depending upon the setup method chosen.
The functions of resetting student passwords and emailing the class in the “Class Info” section of Teacher Dashboard are also affected by the load method as explained in the table below.
Hāpara setup options |
Choose one: |
Choose or use as supplemental to options on the left |
Supplemental (can be used in addition to any option on the left) |
Instructional effects on Teacher Dashboard |
Spreadsheet/CSV upload |
cURL Load |
Clever, Powerschool, ClassLink Roster Server
Google Classroom Sync |
Hāpara Create Class |
Option of custom student Google Drive folder creation |
X | X | |||
Google Drive folders visible in Teacher Dashboard |
Student Google Drive folder(s) are created through manual load. There are two options for the folder(s) creation: One folder matching the class name - teachers will see any documents the student adds to the class folder and any files they have shared via the Share Files feature. Multiple subject folders - this option allows each class to have multiple folders created for students (eg, numeracy, literacy, inquiry). Teachers will see all folders in Dashboard and any files students have added to the folders or teachers have shared via the Share Files feature with students. Note: There is an option to have no folders. |
Folder options are the same as the Manual load options. Student Google Drive folder(s) are created through manual load. There are two options for the folder(s) creation: One folder matching the class name - teachers will see any documents the student adds to the class folder and any files they have shared via the Share Files feature. Multiple subject folders - this option allows each class to have multiple folders created for students (eg, numeracy, literacy, inquiry). Teachers will see all folders in Dashboard and any files students have added to the folders or teachers have shared via the Share Files feature with students. |
Folder options are |
The Google Drive folder created when a Google Classroom class is created is shown in Teacher Dashboard. This shows the documents in the students’ Google Classroom folder. |
Dashboard will show a Documents tab containing all of a student’s Google Drive files. |
Reset student passwords |
X | X | |||
Email class |
X | X |
Data loading methods
Spreadsheet/CSV. Load
Pros | Cons |
Limitations |
If using Google Classroom, the Google Classroom folder does not show in the Dashboard tab. However, Sharing<All Docs may be used to search for Google Classroom related files. |
cURL loading
Note: This is a highly technical setup.
Pros | Cons |
Limitations |
If using Google Classroom, the Google Classroom folder does not show in the Dashboard tab. However, Sharing<All Docs may be used to search for Google Classroom related files. |
Clever/Powerschool/ClassLink Load Syncs
Pros | Cons |
Limitations |
Create Classes
Pros | Cons |
Limitations |
Google Classroom Sync
Pros | Cons |
Limitations |
Limited Teacher Dashboard and Class Info functionality, see limitations for details. |
You can load classes into Hāpara using any of the data loading options or specific combinations of the available options.
In order for the students to be added to every class needed, all of the student’s classes will need to be specified in at least one of the loading methods chosen.
Do you still need help?
For additional help with data loading, you can book a post-implementation call with one of our helpful implementation team members. Click here for the booking link.
You can also contact the Hāpara support team if you see any errors or require further technical help with data loading.