Ways to prevent the need to close or block tabs Follow
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Schedule links or a guided browsing session
If a student is off task or on a website that is unsafe, in Highlights you have the option to close or block those websites for students. However, there are many different ways to help keep your students on task and safe while online. If you find yourself closing tabs too often, here are some ways you can leverage other features in Highlights.
Share links
The Share links button in Highlights allows you to share websites directly to students' screens. This saves valuable instructional time because you don't have to wait for the entire class to visit the same website.
You can also differentiate instruction with Share links. If you need a group of students or individual students to visit a website, you can select Group(s) or Student(s) in the Share links window.
Freeze tabs
Using the Freeze tabs button in Highlights is another way to keep students focused on safe websites for learning. After you have shared a link or links with students, click the Freeze tabs button.
Students won't be able to visit websites other than those they currently have open.
To differentiate support, select Group(s) or Student(s) in the Freeze tabs window.
Guide browsing
Filter session
You can set up a Filter session to limit students' access to certain distracting websites during class time or during an assessment. You can also differentiate browsing support by selecting a group of students or individual students who need help staying on task.
Focus session
Setting up a Focus session is helpful when you want students to focus on certain websites. During a focus session, students are only able to access the sites you allow. You can also set up a focus session for a group or individual students.
Schedule links or a guided browsing session
Scheduling links to open on students' screens can be helpful, especially when class begins, to help students get started right away. This also frees up time for you to take attendance or take care of another activity as a teacher.
If you know that students will need more guidance, schedule a Focus or Filter session in advance.
The scheduling feature is also a helpful way to wrap up class. Schedule the link to a reflection or exit ticket for the last few minutes of class time.
You can also use these features if you are away from the classroom and need a substitute teacher. That way students will stay focused on the websites they need for learning.
Once you schedule links or guided browsing sessions, you can find them in the Schedule tab in the white toolbar.
How to close or block a student's tab when needed
Sometimes a student needs more digital citizenship support. If you do need to close or block a student's tab, you can do so on a Student Tile.
1. On the Student Tile, next to the website name, click the X to close the student’s tab.
2. Select Close for the student, Block for this student or Block for the class. Closing a tab is helpful when a student has stronger digital citizenship skills. It reminds the student to refocus.
Blocking a tab is helpful when want to give a student more structured guidance online. Blocking a tab means that the student (or the class) will not be able to reopen the tab for the duration of time you choose.
3. If closing the tab, select a reason for closing the student’s tab. This communication will help the student understand how to make better choices online going forward.