User Permissions - Roles Follow
User permissions allows you to manage the School Domain Google Directory and grant access to people in your organization.
In this article:
Roles overview
Hāpara generates Google groups to assign roles and grant users access to Hāpara.
School Apps Owner account
The School Apps Owner account is automatically created when Hāpara is first set up for a domain and you will notice this account on your Google Workspace. The account is used to manage a variety of processes in Hāpara, including Share Files, and owns all Google Drive folders created for Hāpara Dashboard.
This account must NOT be deleted as there may be irreversible impact on Hāpara classes.
Learn more about School Apps Owner accounts in this support article.
Tech Admins
Members of the Tech Admins Google Group can only access the Hāpara Admin Console to manage Hāpara settings and control what is available to teachers within Hāpara.
If you would like to grant specific users access to the Hāpara Admin Console, you can add them to the "td.administrators" group by following the steps below:
1. From the 'User permissions' tab in the Hāpara Admin Console, click 'Roles.'
2. Navigate to 'Tech Admins' and click 'Edit members' in the 'Google Group' box.
3. Clicking the 'Edit members' button will then open up your Google Workspace Admin Console. You may be prompted to sign in with your Google account, and once signed in you will be taken straight to the TD Administrators Google group where you can add and manage members.
If you have multiple schools within your domain, you can grant administrator access at a school level, by adding an email address to the "td.administrators.schoolcode" group in the Google Workspace Admin Console. This would mean that a user can only make configuration updates for the specific school to which they are added.
A list of school codes can be found on the 'Schools' page of the Hāpara Admin Console.
For example, if you added the user "" to the group "," this would grant this user access to the Hāpara Admin Console for the corresponding school code 52, but they would not be able to make changes that impact any other school in the district/domain.
Members of the Leadership Google Group can access the Hāpara Dashboard to view all classes without being loaded as a classroom teacher.
There are many people in a school that are not classroom teachers but still need visibility into student learning. If you would like to grant access to Hāpara for non-teachers, you can add their email address to the "td.users" group by following the steps below:
1. From the 'User permissions' tab in the Hāpara Admin Console, click 'Roles.'
2. Navigate to 'Leadership' and click 'Edit members' in the 'Google Group' box.
3. Clicking the 'Edit members' button will open your Google Workspace Admin Console. You may be prompted to sign in with your Google account and once signed in you will be taken straight to the TD Users Google group where you can add and manage members.
If you have multiple schools within your domain, you can grant access to view all classes at a school level, by adding an email address to the "td.users.schoolcode" group in the Google Workspace Admin Console. This would mean that a user will only see classes within the school of the group they have been added to.
Please let the Hāpara Support team know once you've added users to the td.administrators group(s) and we can expedite the access grant. Otherwise, it can take up to 24 hours for access to be granted due to various backend caching layers.