Class Rostering - Bulk rostering history Follow
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Bulk rostering history overview
As you begin the school year, uploading data to Hāpara is one of the first steps you’ll take as a Hāpara administrator. This allows you to create class rosters so educators and learners can use Hāpara.
When you use the Data Loader in the Hāpara Admin Console, it’s important to check the status of the load. This can quickly reveal if it was successful or if anything prevented your data from processing.
Status of a current load
When you upload class or student data with admin managed rostering, data logs are accessible directly from the Roster data page.
To view the status of a current data load, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to Class rostering from the Hāpara Admin Console Home page.
2. Click Admin managed roster.
3. Configure and load your class and/or student files.
4. During the load, click on View all data logs or the Data log hyperlink to view the current status.
5. Click View details on the line of the data load you would like to investigate.
6. The side panel will open on the right to give you details on that job ID. Issues will be listed below for any errors that happened during the load. Click Load report to view specific details of all processes in a Google Sheet.
Status of a previous load
To view the status of a previous load, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to Class rostering from the Hāpara Admin Console home page.
2. Click Data logs.
3. Click View details on the line of the data load you would like to investigate.
4. The side panel will open on the right to give you details on that job ID. Issues will be listed below for any errors that happened during the load. Click Load report to view specific details of all processes in a Google Sheet.