Settings - Student files access Follow
Student files access settings allow you to set how much access teachers have to their students' Google Drive files. Access to student files allows teachers to view, comment on and edit students' work.
In this article:
- Where to find the student files access settings
- Student files access settings options
- Option: Teachers can access the "Drive tab" in Hāpara
- Option: Teachers can see files where student access is view-only and commenter
- Option: Teachers can temporarily open files not shared by the students
Where to find the student files access settings
1. Start by clicking on Settings from the Hāpara Admin Console home screen.
2. Then click Student files access.
3. You'll then be able to enable settings for teachers' access to student Google Drives.
Student files access options
Option: Teachers can access the "Drive tab" in Hāpara
Enabling this option allows teachers to see the files that are on their students' Google Drives.
To see the files, teachers can click the Drive icon in Teacher Dashboard or Highlights. From there, they will have visibility into their students' Google Drive files.
Option: Teachers can see files where student access is view-only and commenter
By enabling this option, teachers can see all file types within students' Google Drives, including files where student access is view-only and commenter, listed in student tiles in Dashboard.
NOTE: Teachers will not be able to open any of these files unless they have been shared directly with them by the files owner or student, or the 'Teachers can temporarily open files not shared by students' option is ticked within Student file access.
When option Teachers can see files where student access is view-only and commenter is deselected, Teacher Dashboard will only display documents that students can edit.
Option: Teachers can temporarily open files not shared by the students
Enabling this option will temporarily allow teachers the ability in Hāpara to view, comment and edit students' unshared files in their Google Drive.
This includes the ability for teachers to access all file types if you have also selected the option Teachers can see files where student access is view-only and commenter.
The access lasts for just one hour, after which time access is revoked for the user.
This option is useful for teachers, administrators, substitute teachers or other faculty staff members who need to view student documents, without waiting to request access.