The Class Info tab Follow
In this article:
Remove a student from the class
Open the class folder or reset folders
Generate a list of students and emails
Class Info allows teachers to easily manage their classes within Hāpara. The Class Info tab includes a list of teachers and students.
Teachers are able to:
- Add or remove co-teachers
- Add or remove students from the class
- Reset student passwords
- Email the class
- Generate a list of students and emails
- Open the class’s Google Drive folder
- Reset the class Google Drive folders
Add co-teachers
This feature needs to be enabled by your school's Hāpara Administrator.
- In the Teachers section, click the blue + Add button.
- Add the teacher’s email address.
- Click the Add teacher button.
Add students to the class
This feature needs to be enabled by your school's Hāpara Administrator.
- In the Students section, click the blue + Add button.
- Add the student’s school email address. If you would like to add multiple students, separate their email addresses with a comma.
- Click the Add student(s) button.
Remove a student from the class
This feature needs to be enabled by your school's Hāpara Administrator.
- In the Students section, select the student you would like to remove from the class.
- Click the Remove button.
Reset a student’s password
This feature needs to be enabled by your school's Hāpara Administrator.
If a student has forgotten their password and you want to reset it, you can do so in the Class Info tab.
- In the Students section, select the student or students whose password(s) you want to reset.
- Click the Reset password button.
- In the window, type a new password for the student or students. Click Copy to make a copy of the password for your records.
- Or you can select Ask students to create a new password on their next login.
- Click the blue Reset password button.
Send an email to the class
In the Class Info tab, you can quickly email the entire class.
- At the top right-hand side, click the blue Email class button.
- Your school Gmail will open.
- The class email address will be populated in the email window. This will send the email to each student listed in your class.
Open the class folder or reset folders
In the Class Info tab, teachers can open their class Google Drive folder or reset Google Drive folders.
Occasionally, teachers may encounter an error with a folder, or a folder may seem missing from Google Drive. In this case, we recommend using The Class Info tab to reset folders.
The Reset folders process should also rename folders to the originally configured name if the student or another user has renamed any folder.
If folders are still missing or do not seem correct, please submit a support request.
- At the top right-hand side, click the three dots to open the drop-down menu.
- Select Open class folder or Reset folders.
Generate a list of students and emails
In the Class Info tab, you can also generate a list of student emails in your class. This will copy in CSV format.
- In the Students section, select all of your students or individual students.
- Click the Copy button.
- From the drop-down menu, select Emails or Names & emails.