Hāpara onboarding map Follow
As the primary contact for your school district, you play a pivotal role in helping get Hāpara up and running. You will work with your Engagement Manager to make sure the setup and teacher onboarding process runs smoothly.
Don't forget
- Work with your tech department to ensure Hāpara is on the allowed list in email filters, so teachers don't miss out on important emails, announcements and resources.
- Work with your team and the Hāpara Engagement Manager to complete the Plan for Success document.
- Discuss a plan for how to notify teachers about Hāpara after the teacher rollout planning meeting has been completed.
Ensure the teacher welcome letter is delivered by the PL contact (or the person you have selected to do this) and that teacher training time is planned. Discuss the best time for the letter to be sent to your teachers.
Your onboarding will be complete, but we will still be in touch.
- Ongoing professional development
- Support 365 days a year
- Regular Hāpara Champion certification opportunities
- Usage reports twice a year
- Teacher usage recognition badging with notification to primary contact twice a year
- Data archiving at the end of the school year
- Data loading for the new school year
- And your Engagement Manager is always ready to help in any way!