Finding and copying public Workspaces Follow
In this article:
Tips for searching for public Workspaces
What can you see (and not see) in a public Workspace?
How do you copy a public Workspace?
How to share your own Workspaces publicly
Public Workspaces are Workspaces that teachers from all over the world have shared with the Hāpara community. You can copy and modify any public Workspaces to support the needs of students in your classroom. That means not only do you not have to start from scratch, but you also have the flexibility to tailor the lesson, project or unit to your instructional and learning needs.
Tips for searching for public Workspaces
You can find public Workspaces on the Discover page. You’ll see this tab on the Workspace homepage.
To access the Discover page:
1. Log into Teacher Dashboard at
2. Click Workspace at the top.
2. You’ll then be taken to the homepage which shows you the My Workspaces page first.
4. On the top left, the Discover tab is next to the My Workspaces tab. > Click Discover.
On the Discover page, you can search for public Workspaces by typing a keyword in the text box in the middle of the page.
You can also browse by different categories on the left side of the Discover page.
You can browse by:
- Subject
- Grade level
- Standard
Here are some search and browse tips:
- Start with broad search terms and then narrow them.
- Select the subject and grade you want. Not every public Workspace has a grade and subject, but a large number of them do, and adding these parameters can help you hone in on Workspaces that fit your needs.
- Note when Workspaces were created. Workspace has undergone updates over the last few years, and the more recent Workspaces you find will usually show off these improvements.
What can you see (and not see) in a public Workspace?
From the Discover page, you can click on any public Workspace to see a description of what it covers. This could include a description of what students will explore, the subject, the grade level or learning standards.
Main Workspace page
Click the blue Open workspace button to see the Workspace’s main page with Workspace Cards that include content such as text, links and files.
After you copy a Workspace, you can edit any of the Workspace Cards, the Workspace Column headings and sections.
Workspace Groups
On the left-side menu, you'll also be able to see the names of any Workspace Groups the teacher added. These groups won’t contain any students, though.
For example, if the Workspace is an inquiry-based project, the teacher may have added groups related to different research topics. This Harlem Renaissance project asks students to research either writers, musicians or visual artists. Students will be grouped into one of the research topics, and their Workspace learning path will display Workspace Cards related only to that research topic.
After you copy a Workspace, you can add your own students and edit the groups.
What a public Workspace does not include
A public Workspace does not include student information, such as names or emails. If you decide to copy the Workspace, you can add your own students.
Public Workspaces also don’t include Evidence Card start and due dates. That’s so you can customize assessments based on your own instructional schedule.
How do you copy a public Workspace?
To copy a public Workspace:
1. Click the white Copy button in the top right-hand corner of the main Workspace page.
2. It may take a few minutes to copy to your account, depending on the size of the Workspace.
3. Once it’s done, a screen will appear asking if you want to view your copy of the Workspace now or if you want to keep searching. > Select View copy or Continue here.
If you choose to keep searching, you’ll be able to find the Workspace later in the Owned by me category on your Workspace homepage.
It will appear with the same title as the original, appended with “Copy.”
Once you have a copy, you can start making edits to the content.
To start editing the Workspace:
1. Click the three dots on the top right. This will open the drop-down menu.
2. Select Edit Workspace.
To edit the title or description:
1. Find the title and description on the top left.
2. Type inside the text boxes to make your edits.
3. Click Save.
To edit Workspace Column headings:
1. Click on the pencil icon on the right side of the Workspace column heading.
2. Type inside the text box to make your edits.
3. Click outside of the text box once you’re finished.
To edit Workspace Cards:
1. On the top right of the Workspace Card, click the three dots. This will open the drop-down menu.
2. Select Edit.
How to share your own Workspaces publicly
Sharing your own Workspace publicly allows you to be part of a collaborative global community of Hāpara educators. Once you have a Workspace ready to share, teachers and students from around the world will be able to use the Workspace and gain new perspectives.
Before you make your Workspace public, be sure that the content is copyright free.
When you are ready to share your Workspace:
1. Find your Workspace on your Workspace homepage.
2. Click on the Workspace title to open its main page.
3. On the bottom of the left-side menu, find the Sharing section.
4. Toggle the switch from Not visible publicly to Now visible publicly.
Keep in mind that you can still edit your Workspace and use it with your students. Just like other public Workspaces, your students’ information will not be shared. When teachers decide to use your public Workspace, they must make their own separate copies and add their own students.