How to filter Teacher Dashboard Student Tiles by group Follow
In Hāpara Teacher Dashboard, you can filter your view of Student Tiles by group. Using these features means you don’t have to search through all your files in Google Drive to find student work. In one organized place, you can focus on specific students’ progress, saving you time and making it easier for you to differentiate instruction.
Filtering by group
Filtering is when you want to show only a specific group’s Student Tiles on your screen (or more than one groups’ Student Tiles). In Teacher Dashboard, you may want to check in on a group’s progress, preview their work or open files to leave formative feedback.
For example, let’s say you created groups for a science project. The students will be working together during each step of the project, and the first step is to develop questions for an experiment. To quickly pull up Group 1’s responses, you can filter your view of Student Tiles to see only that group. Then you can open their files from their Student Tiles and leave formative feedback.
To filter your view to see only one group’s Student Tiles or specific groups’ Student Tiles:
1. Click the Groups menu on the top right-hand side of Teacher Dashboard.
2. In the list, select the group’s or groups’ Student Tiles you want to see.
3. Only those Student Tiles will now appear.