Documents and Folders Follow
Hapara Dashboard
- How can I tell which subject folder belongs to which student?
- Can I move or rename the folders created by Hapara Dashboard?
- Why am I seeing a "Permission denied" error when clicking a document?
Google Drive
- Where in Google Drive are my class folders?
- Who can see my class folder?
- Can I add my class folder to Google Drive?
- Can I create my own documents or folders in my class folders for Hapara Dashboard?
- Is it possible to create subfolders in student Subject folders?
- Students are missing subject folders from their Google Drive
Smart Share
- Can I delete docs I have shared out via Smart Share?
- Can I use Smart Share to send out a Google Form?
I can see many student folders in Google Drive, how can I tell each subject folder apart?
Due to the number of student folders that can be shared with a teacher, we recommend locating specific student folders by navigating there through Hapara Dashboard.
To do so: click on 'more' in the student panel, then 'Open Folder'.
It is possible add a student identifier suffix to make student folders easier to navigate in Google drive. You can always see who a folder is shared with in the far-right 'Details' column in Google Drive.
Please engage your Hapara Admin to add a student subject folder suffix.
Can I move or rename the folders created by Hapara Dashboard?
We do not recommend changing Hapara folder names, as doing so may cause the folders to be re-created if Hapara Dashboard cannot find them.
You can move Class and Student folders, but we do not recommend it. Folders can contain a lot of content, so moving folders can unexpectedly exhaust your Google Drive quota. In additional, Google Drive cannot always reconcile changes on a local copy (on your hard disk) to the version in Google Drive.
Google recommends: Don’t move files or folders to 'My Drive' that are already in a folder. Doing so will remove it from the folder. To avoid having content removed from shared folders, you might instruct your users to not move anything from Shared with Me to My Drive if it's already in a folder.
Please engage your Hapara Administrator if you wish to change a folder name.
Can I create my own documents or folders in my class folders for Hapara Dashboard?
Yes! Many teachers add "housekeeping" folders for things like lesson planning or class resources. Because new class folders are created for each new year (or semester, in some cases), the class folder is a perfect place for class-specific information.
Is it possible to create subfolders in student Subject folders?
Students can create subfolders within their Subject folders. Documents in these subfolders will appear on Hapara Dashboard under whichever Subject folder the subfolder is created in.
So, the short answer is yes! it is possible to create subfolders in Hapara Dashboard.
In the example below, Marigold has created 3x subfolders in her Math folder: Quizzes, Homework, Projects. Any documents saved in these folders will display in her 'Math' Subject folder on Hapara Dashboard:
Clicking on documents occasionally results in "Permission denied" errors.
If you see this error from Hapara Dashboard, this is usually a transient timing issue.When Google Docs is very busy, the service responsible for document permissions lags slightly. Waiting 10 seconds before refreshing the page will usually resolve this.
However, if you're seeing a You need permission message after clicking a doc in Highlights, this is a Google generated message confirming you do not already have access to this doc.
Hapara's Click to share function (granting temporary access) does not extend to Hapara Highlights, hence you need to request access if you are not already granted access.
You can expect to click and open any document from the Sharing tab of Hapara Dashboard as this is where student docs in their Drive are displayed.
Where in Google Drive are my class folders?
Class folders can be found in the Shared with Me section of Google Drive.
If you search for owner:school.apps.owner, this will display all folders created for Hapara Hapara Dashboard. You can then narrow down the search results by adding the class or student name to the search. Eg: 'owner:school.apps.owner Room 12' in the example below*
Who can see my class folder?
A Class folder is shared to all teachers of the class with write access. The folder is owned by an Institutional Content Owner account that represents the school (often called school.apps.owner), to prevent any accidental deletions.
Students cannot view the class folder or other student's folders unless manually shared with by the folder owner or a writer; ie: students can access only the subject folders created for them.
You may share your class folder with other teachers, but please bear in mind that this will give them access to all student subject folders and the work that students create in those folders.
Can I add my class folder to Google Drive?
Yes you can move your class folder from 'Shared with me' to your Google Drive root folder, but we do not recommend it. Class folders can contain a lot of student content, so adding a few class folders can silently exhaust your Google Drive quota. In additional, Google Drive cannot always reconcile changes on a local copy (on your hard disk) to the version in Google Drive.
Can I delete docs I've copied out via Smart Share?
You can undo a Smart Share within five minutes of the share job completing.
After five minutes, only a doc owner can delete docs permanently from Google drive. Because students receive ownership of files copied out via Smart Share, unfortunately you cannot delete the copied docs.
You can, however, overwrite these docs with a new copy. This part of the Smart Share process is explained in step seven of our guide to Smart Share: Step Seven - Existing student documents .
In addition, when choosing to 'replace existing file', remember to make sure that your document's title matches the document being overwritten, and that you are copying it to the same folder. (If %F and %L were used to personalize the name of the document being overwritten, use these placeholders again to name your new document.)
Can I use Smart Share to send Google Forms?
Unfortunately no, but you can send a form to students simply by clicking Send Form on the top of the form, copying the link that is displayed, and emailing it to the class or sending it as a message using Highlights in Hapara Dashboard.
The long answer: Smart Share comes in many shapes and sizes, but can be summed up in three uses:
- sharing a single document
- creating new documents for students
- copying existing documents
For most Google Drive files and third-party Drive add-ons, these functions work as one would want—students should get their own copies of files or collaborate on existing ones.
For forms, however, the functionality is different. If you want many users to fill out a form, you have a single copy of the form and use the "Send Form" button to send users a link to the form. From there, users answer the questions, and their answers are recorded in a responses spreadsheet.
The distinction to make here is between the users to whom you send the form and the collaborators who can access the form's contents. The former is a level of access unique to forms, while the latter is the standard Drive sharing functionality. This brings us back to Smart Share. Remember that Smart Share lets you share existing files, make new files, or copy existing files. If you share a form, though, you give students access to edit the form's contents rather than a link to fill out the form. If you chose to make new forms, each student would own a unique form, which they could then edit and send out as they pleased. Finally, if you shared copies of an existing form, each student would have a new form with the existing one as a template, but would be able to edit and send it out as you could with the original.
We suspect that the most common use of forms in the classroom is to send a single form to students to respond to, and have those responses in a single spreadsheet that only the teacher can access. To avoid confusion and a mess of unwanted form copies, we don't let forms be used with Smart Share.