How to submit, assess and return students' evidence in Workspace Follow
In this article
- Submitting evidence for learners
- Assessing students’ evidence and returning work
- Assigning grades and returning work via the Activity Status and Activity Summary
- Editing previous grades and feedback
- Accessing students' work without the grading tool
- Exporting grades via the grade sheet
Submitting evidence for learners
If it’s time to assess students’ work and they forgot to hit Submit on their evidence cards, you can submit work for them.
This can be done from the grading tool, or in the Workspace, from the evidence card’s Activity Status.
Submitting students’ evidence from the grading tool
You can submit student work via the grading tool by opening any assignment in the Started section of the progress panel or the Activity Status of an evidence card.
From here, you can click Submit for student/group to change the status of the assignment. After hitting submit, the student(s) will no longer have editing access to the document, and you will automatically advance to the next Started assignment.
If you would like to submit more than one assignment at a time from the grading tool, click Submit multiple, select the assignments you would like to submit for students, then click the Submit button.
To grade any of these assignments, return to the progress panel or Activity Status modal and navigate to the list of Submitted assignments. Click on a student or group’s name to open the assignment in the grading tool.
Submitting students’ evidence from the Workspace
You can also submit evidence for students directly from the Activity Status section of an evidence card in a Workspace, without opening the grading tool.
To submit work from the evidence card, click Started in the activity status section of the card. This will open the activity status modal. In the Started tab of the activity status modal, you can select one or more students or groups and then click the Submit button.
You can also use the Groups filter to just see and submit evidence from students in a specific group.
Once evidence has been submitted, students will no longer have editing access to their documents, and you can assess their work directly in the Submitted tab.
Assessing students’ evidence and returning work
Assigning grades, giving feedback and returning work via the grading tool
The Workspace grading tool allows you to efficiently assess students’ work on evidence cards by giving grades and/or feedback in context of the submitted assignment.
You can access the grading tool by opening students’ submitted evidence through the progress panel on the My Workspaces homepage, or through the Activity Status modal for the evidence card.
Note - You can view student work in the grading tool in the started, submitted and assessed stages, but you can only assign grades and feedback to work that is submitted.
Accessing the grading tool from the Workspace:
Accessing the grading tool from the progress panel:
Once you’re in the grading tool, you can view the history of the assignment, assign grades and provide an overall feedback comment. For Google Documents, Sheets, Slides, etc. you can interact with the document as usual, using comments or suggestions to give more specific feedback.
Watch the video for a quick tour of the grading tool:
Grades and feedback are auto-saved, so you can navigate to the next submitted assignment to keep grading, or you can return the assignment to the student right away for edit or final.
When assignments are returned final, students will see their grades and/or feedback in their Student Dashboard notifications and on the evidence card in the Workspace. Students will have full editing rights of their docs again, however a copy of the document will be made in the Assessed work folder within the folder for that Workspace in Drive. This copy is owned by the teacher, so you always have a record of the work at the point where it was returned final.
When assignments are returned for edit, students will see any grades and/or feedback in their Student Dashboard notifications and on the evidence card in the Workspace. Editing access for the document will be returned to the students so they can continue working on the assignments. The Submit button will also reappear on the evidence cards in the Workspace.
For more on what students see when you return work, view this article.
Once you return work to a student or group, you will automatically advance to the next submitted assignment. You can also move to another assignment by using the drop down or the arrows at the top of the grading tool (these only appear if there are multiple submitted assignments).
If you would like to grade multiple assignments and return all submitted work to students at once, cycle through the submitted assignments using the arrows or drop down and give each student a grade/feedback. When you are ready to return work, click Return multiple from any submitted assignment.
A modal will open up with a list of all assignments that have been submitted. You can see the grades and feedback you have recorded for each student. If work has previously been returned to a student with a grade, the last grade the student received will appear here until you record a new grade.
You can choose to select all assignments or select specific assignments to return. Click Return for edit or Return final.
Assigning grades and returning work via the Activity Status modal and Activity Summary tab
There are two additional places that you can return student work either for further edits, or as the final assessment, as well as assign grades: in the Activity Status modal and in the Activity Summary.
You can access the Activity Status modal from the evidence card:
- In the Activity Status area on the evidence card
- Click the Submitted status
- A pop-up modal will show, listing all evidence submitted by students
- You can add a grade/assessment in the box (or leave it blank)
- Then choose whether you want to Return for edit so the student can revise their work, or Return final, in which case the student will not be able to submit this evidence again.
Another method to return evidence to a student is to click into the Activity Summary tab of any Workspace.
Here you can view submitted evidence, return for edit or return final, and assign a grade if you’d like.
Both of these methods of returning and grading work are best when you need to complete bulk actions, or when you are just marking work as done without reviewing each individual assignment.
You can also use the Groups filter to just grade and return evidence evidence from students in a specific group.
Editing previous grades and feedback
In the Activity History section of the grading tool, you can view the lifecycle of the assignment, as well as edit past grades and feedback on work that was returned for edit if needed. Just click the pencil icon next to the grade or feedback you would like to edit, make your changes, then click Update.
Note: Grades and feedback given when work is returned final are final cannot be edited.
When you edit grades and feedback, they will be updated on the student view of the Workspace and in the existing Student Dashboard grade notification – students will not get a new notification.
Accessing students' work without the grading tool
Due to privacy concerns, Google disables some functions within Drive files when they are accessed via another application, like the Workspace grading tool. If you need to share a student's file, resolve suggestions, or use any add-ons, you will not be able to do this within the grading tool.
You can easily open students' files without the grading tool by clicking Open file in new window.
You can also access student files without the grading tool from the Workspace folder in your Google Drive, or from the Sharing tab in Hāpara Teacher Dashboard if it has been enabled for your school.
Exporting grades via the Workspace grade sheet
There is a grade sheet available for each published Workspace, which can be accessed by clicking "Grade Sheet" on any evidence card or in the Activity Summary.
The grade sheet can be used to export grades from Workspace into your primary grade book. It is saved in the Workspace folder in the teacher's Google Drive and contains a list of all students, groups, and evidence cards, along with any grades the teacher has issued through Workspace.
Feedback given via the Workspace grading tool is not recorded in the grade sheet.
Note: We do not recommend editing the grade sheet as this can break the integration between Workspace and Google Sheets. If the grade sheet is no longer updating with new grades, please delete the existing grade sheet, then go to Workspace and click the Grade Sheet button to create a new sheet, with a fresh integration.