ClassLink roster server integration setup Follow
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What is ClassLink Roster Server?
ClassLink Roster Server is a hosted OneRoster database server which holds student data. ClassLink Roster Server is built using an application layer and a database layer to ensure reliability and security. The web application is hosted in the cloud on reliable and redundant hardware.
Hāpara can sync classes, teachers, and students from ClassLink daily or on demand.
How to add Hāpara in ClassLink Roster Server
To add an application in the Roster Server, first navigate to Applications > Add Applications to search for an application.
By switching on the Show Development Apps toggle, it will show the applications that are flagged as development in the developer console (under the application name, you'll see a DEV label).
Click on the Search icon and look for the Hapara application.
Select Hapara and click on the ADD option. It will take you to a page to select the permissions that need to be granted to Hāpara.
Choose Custom Permissions. This option allows you to select which data you want to be shared with Hāpara. In order for your classes and students to be loaded in Hāpara, we require the following data:
- Orgs - Represents the schools or buildings that need to be synced
- Courses - The courses offered at the school
- Classes - The actual class offered by the teacher
- Users - Students, teachers, and admins
Important note: When uploading users into OneRoster, please ensure that the students' and teachers' email addresses are included (i.e. or
For an in-depth guide on how to setup and manage Roster Server connections in ClassLink, please refer to this linked article.