How to designate digital resource managers for your district Follow
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Digital resource manager overview
A digital resource manager is the role that is able to manage your school or district's shared library (the Our Library tab) in the Hāpara Private Library add-on to Workspace.
Who you designate as resource managers is up to you, it may be a curriculum team, a group of department leads, your library media specialist, or a group of admins. You can have any number of resource managers, although we recommend keeping this role restricted to a small group of people that can work together to set up and manage your library.
Hāpara supports users with multiple roles–your digital resource managers can also be teachers and/or administrators in Hāpara.
Digital resource managers are the only people who can create collections and organize what teachers see when they come to the library.
How to designate digital resource managers
To add digital resource managers, navigate to your Google Admin Console and create a new Google Group 'hapara.resource.mgrs' in your student domain.
Add anyone that you would like to have digital resource manager privileges to this group.