How to troubleshoot Data Loader error messages Follow
As you begin the school year, uploading data to Hāpara is one of the first steps you’ll take as a Hāpara admin. It allows you to create classes and accounts to get educators and learners ready to use Hāpara.
You’ll complete your data load with one of the following:
When you use the Data Loader in the Hāpara Admin Console, it’s important to check the status of the load. This can quickly reveal if it was successful or if anything is preventing your data from processing.
Checking the data load status
- In Data Loader, after you’ve begun the data load, you’ll be brought to the status screen.
- Click Status at the top (or Go To Status Screen at the bottom).
- View the Load History. Load History provides a list showing current and historical data loads.
- Click More Details to find out the details of an individual load. This is where you can locate log messages during the data load and troubleshoot any errors that may have occurred.

Data Loader error messages
The following are common Data Loader error messages:
- Unexpected error encountered
- User account is suspended or email is not recognized; email/user not added
- Class does not exist; students not added to class
- Hāpara group is missing (TD.All, TD.Current)
- Class/student cannot be assigned to a school/class
The following are additional error messages you may see:
Troubleshooting Data Loader errors
Use the following steps to troubleshoot the errors listed above.
Error message: Unexpected error encountered
What it means: An error occurred outside of known errors and requires support team troubleshooting.
Hāpara support team help: Please Click Send Error or contact the Hāpara support team to troubleshoot the error.
Error message: User account is suspended or email is not recognized; email/user not added.
What it means: This is often an oversight. It could be that the teacher/student account is suspended, it wasn’t created, information is incorrect, or information is missing.
How to troubleshoot:
- Check that the user information is correct and active in Google Admin Console.
- Once the user information is confirmed correct and active in Google Admin Console, check the data in your SIS/Clever or spreadsheet/CSV file. Ensure that it matches what is in the Google Admin Console.
- Update the user information if needed.
- Then reload/sync your data.
Hāpara support team help: Suspended users will need to be refreshed in the Hāpara system once the user has been restored. Please contact the Hāpara support team before you reload/sync your data.
Helpful articles:
Error message: Class does not exist; students not added to class
What it means: The Google group for the class does not exist or is invalid. It could be that the Google group is missing, there is a spelling error, or the group has been deleted.
How to troubleshoot:
- Check in Google Admin to see if the group exists and is active. If unsure of what happened to the group in Google, checking the audit logs can help with that.
- Correct the mailbox value in your classes spreadsheet/CSV
- And/or create a class Google group by loading classes first.
- Then reload the student data.
Note: If trying to add a student to Google Classroom, the student must be added to Google Classroom first. Then you can sync to Hāpara. The student cannot be uploaded just to Google Classroom.
Helpful Articles:
Error message: Hāpara group is missing (TD.All, TD.Current)
What it means: The TD Google group created by Hāpara does not exist. Either the Google group is missing or the group has been deleted.
How to troubleshoot: Check in Google Admin to see if the group exists and is active. If unsure of what happened to the group in Google, checking the audit logs can help.
Hāpara support team help: If unable to locate groups or undelete the group, please contact the Hāpara support team to assist in the creation of new TD Google Groups.
Helpful Articles:
Error message: Class/student can not be assigned to a school/class
What it means: Data Loader can’t determine which school or class to add a student to.
How to troubleshoot:
During your Hāpara setup, school codes were added. These codes were created because your domain has more than one school.
- In Hāpara Admin Console check the Configuration Page > School Configuration to compare school codes or gather the correct school codes.
- Correct or add school codes in your classes or student spreadsheet/CSV.
- And/or reload the student data.
- The SIS/Clever school code should now match. Please make sure the school code in your SIS/Clever matches the school code in Hāpara.
Error message: Missing teacher value
What it means: A teacher’s email is missing from the class upload. This is commonly seen when classes do not have teachers yet.
How to troubleshoot:
- Add a teacher to the class to ensure their class is uploaded.
- Check your SIS/Clever to make sure there is a teacher assigned to the class.
- Reload the class once a teacher has been added.
Error message: Class name could not be created for class
What it means: A class is missing a name. This is most commonly seen after an SIS/Clever sync.
How to troubleshoot:
- Check to make sure all fields are correctly completed in SIS/Clever.
- Once all fields are correct, re-sync the class data.
Hāpara support team help: If you’re unsure which fields need to be filled out in SIS/Clever, please contact the Hāpara support team.
Error message: Too many subject folders for group
What it means: Hāpara configuration is set up to only have one subject folder. If there is a comma in the folder name, the Data Loader identifies it as more than one folder.
How to troubleshoot:
- Remove or substitute commas.
- Reload the class data.