How to set up advanced SIS integration with manual loading Follow
In this article:
- Why combine an SIS sync with manual loading?
- How to configure the Data Loader to manually load classes and sync students
Why combine an SIS sync with manual loading?
The Data Loader Sync method allows automated daily synchronization between Hāpara and Clever, Classlink, or PowerSchool for students and classes.
Often no manual editing of files is required - the whole process is automated. But in some cases, the automatic daily sync of classes might not suit a school's requirements because:
- The data needs to be edited before uploading to Hāpara (e.g. custom data edits)
- Complicated rules need to be applied to the data to calculate Class Names and/or Folder names ( e.g using lookups to "translate" class names)
- A subset of classes need to be deleted from the data before uploading to Hāpara
- Classes need to be merged before loading to Hāpara
- You want the option to manually load data when a quick fix or change is required, and not an entire sync.
These schools may still want to do an automatic daily sync of students, which is possible using Manual Load for Classes and SIS Sync for Students
The Hāpara Data Loader supports this scenario by combining two load methods:
- The classes are loaded via the Manual Load method when required
- The students are automatically loaded daily via Sync
How to configure the Data Loader to manually load classes and sync students
This section describes in detail how to configure the Data Loader to accept both Sync and Manual loads. It describes how to:
- Set up the Sync Configuration page
- Download the class data from your SIS
- Manually make the changes you want to the class spreadsheet
- Set up the Manual Configuration page
- Use the Manual Load page to load your edited class information
- Use the Sync page to do an initial load of the student information
- Use the Sync page to turn on the daily sync of the student information
Step 1. Set up the Sync Configuration page:
- Browse to the Data Loader Sync Configuration page
- Ensure that the "Load Classes" checkbox is not checked. Only the "Load Students" checkbox should be checked. This will sync your students daily and allow you to load classes manually.
- Choose "Same as ClassEmail" to simplify the export.
- Choose your preferred Student Folder option, this determines what information will be extracted from your SIS as the student folder name; and your preferred Folder Name Suffix option.
- Select your calendar preferences. Many schools default to "Teacher and students use a calendar named ClassName_YearSuffix"
- Select your preferred Gmail setting.
- Select your preferred email notifications, and save the changes.
Step 2. Download the class data from your SIS:
- Browse back to the beginning of the Sync Configuration page
- Click 'Begin SIS configuration' to navigate to the 'SIS Provider' page.
- Click on "Test Class Download"
- A link will appear to "View Class Data Spreadsheet"
- Click on this link to open the class spreadsheet (The spreadsheet may take a minute or two to populate with your extracted class information).
- Bookmark this class spreadsheet, or save this spreadsheet somewhere safe. If you are choosing to load classes manually, this will become your 'Master Class spreadsheet'
Step 3. Manually make the changes you want to the class spreadsheet
- Note: Don't change the class mailbox. The class mailbox is used in the student sync to specify which classes the student is in. If you change the class mailbox, the student load will fail to link students to classes.
Step 4. Set up the Manual Configuration page
These settings should default to match your configuration specified in Sync, but it is always good to double check.
- Browse to the Data Loader Manual Configuration page
- Select Google Sheet
- Select 'Each student has subject folder(s) named in the Class spreadsheet column titled Subject Folders'. The Folder Name Suffix is not editable while Sync is enabled.
- Select your calendar preferences. This ideally would match what is listed in the Sync configuration. Many schools default to: "Teacher and students use a calendar named ClassName_YearSuffix"
- Choose your preferred Gmail setting, this ideally would match what is listed in the Sync configuration.
Step 5. Use the Manual Load page to load your edited class information:
- Browse to the Data Loader Manual Load page
- Confirm your Configuration Setting Summary is correct and click next.
- Specify the name of the class spreadsheet created above and click Verify.
- If the sheet verifies successfully, click Start Load.
- If the sheet does not verify successfully, double check the class spreadsheet is shared with your school.apps.owner account
Monitor the load of the classes using the Data Loader Status page. Errors will display at the bottom of the page, when 'View Details' is clicked.
Step 6. Use the Sync page to do an initial load of the student information:
- Browse to the Data Loader Sync page.
- Check that the following configuration options are correct: Academic Year Suffix, Source Type To Synchronize, Type Of Data to Synchronize and Email Notification List (the other configuration items are ignored)
- Double-check that the "Type Of Data to Synchronize" setting is "Students" (and is not set to "Students and Classes").
- Click "Synchronize students now"
Monitor the load of the Classes using the Data Loader Status page. Errors will display at the bottom of the page. when 'View Details' is clicked
Step 7. Use the Sync page to turn on the daily sync of student information:
- Browse to the Data Loader Sync page.
- Double-check that the "Type Of Data to Synchronize" setting is "Students" (and is not set to "Students and Classes").
- Select the "Synchronize daily" checkbox
- Click Save
- The next day, check status of the latest student load using the Data Loader Status page
Errors will display at the bottom of the page. when 'View Details' is clicked.
You're now ready to sync your students daily, and load classes manually when needed. If you have any further questions, please submit a support request.