How do students log in to Workspace? Follow
Hāpara Workspace is an interactive learning platform that organizes learning goals, resources, activities and rubrics for a lesson, unit, project or course. Teachers can create student groups, share personalized resources and support student voice and choice. Workspace allows students to explore learning content at their own pace, collaborate with other students, easily find work to complete when absent and practice executive functioning skills.
Students can access their Workspaces from Hāpara Student Dashboard. This online planner makes it easy for students to manage their Workspaces and Google Classroom assignments. It also includes their Google Drive files, class announcements and notifications about assigned, returned and graded work. To learn more about Hāpara Student Dashboard, visit Tour of Student Dashboard.
To access Workspace:
1. Students should log in to Student Dashboard at:
2. Students will be asked to sign in with their school Google credentials.
3. If it’s the first time signing in, Google may ask them to approve sharing their school Google credentials with Workspace.
4. Once signed in to Student Dashboard, students can access Workspaces from the menu on the left.