Hāpara Usage Reports - Chart filters Follow
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The Hāpara Usage Report filters allow admins to break down Hāpara Instructional Suite usage data across date range and school level for a clearer view of activity across your domain.
Date range filter
The reports show the last 90 days worth of data across your domain, by default.
Clicking the data filter drop-down allows admins to enter specific dates into the start and end date fields.
Using the Advanced option on the top right of the drop-down allows admins to select quick shortcuts to options. These options display Hāpara Instructional Suite usage across time periods such as Last month, Last quarter, This year, etc.
Filtering by school
When viewing the usage reports, the level of admin access will determine the schools the Hāpara Administrator can see and access.
If a user is a domain-level administrator, they will have visibility of all school usage across the domain. If the user has school-level admin access, they will only have visibility of the schools they are assigned to.
By clicking the Schools drop-down menu, administrators can select one or more schools within the domain. This is useful for large districts which have multiple schools using the Hāpara Instructional Suite and would like to focus on the data for individual schools.