Deledao ActiveScan, presented by Hāpara - Teacher website unblocking via rostering Follow
In this article:
- Rostering prerequisites
- Rostering overview
- Google Classroom and ClassLink importing
- Autosync for ClassLink
- Infinite Campus - OneRoster
- Clever-compatible data importing
- PowerSchool support
Rostering prerequisites
To allow teachers to unblock websites that have been requested by students, the configuration of the Deledao ActiveScan, presented
Rostering overview
The rostering feature allows admin users to automatically import classroom and parent information from Google Classroom, ClassLink, Infinite Campus or Clever-compatible data.
Google Classroom and ClassLink importing
For Google Classroom and ClassLink importing, click either option and sign in with the appropriate login credentials. For ClassLink, please grant the Deledao app the appropriate permissions in the ClassLink portal.
When the information has been imported you will see it in the "Directory Management & Classroom Management" sections in the Teacher Portal tab of the Admin Console.
Note: Only classroom information will be imported.
Auto-sync for ClassLink
To automatically re-sync parent information on a weekly basis, select the Weekly radio button and click Save.
To manually re-sync parent information, click Re-sync Now. > Click Save.
Infinite Campus - OneRoster
For an Infinite Campus - OneRoster method, click on Infinite Campus and provide the OneRoster connection credentials and enter them in the provided fields. These credentials are Client ID, Token URL, Client Secret, and Base URL. Click Save.
Clever-compatible data importing
Importing using Clever-compatible data allows admin users to import classroom and parent information. To do this users will need to upload to our sftp server Clever-compatible CSV data from your SIS. After clicking this option, users are provided the information needed to connect to our sftp servers through a program such as FileZilla.
After connecting to our sftp servers locate the CSV files, right-click on the files and select upload. Below are the requirements for the CSV files that will be accepted.
1. enrollments.csv:
Section_id, Student_id
2. students.csv:
Student_id, Student_email, Contact_email, Contact_name
-- Contact_email, Contact_name are for guardians, and values in these 2 columns are case sensitive
-- Contact_email, Contact_name can have empty values but the column headers need to exist.
3. teachers.csv:
Teacher_id, Teacher_email
4. sections.csv:
Section_id, Teacher_id, Course_name
After importing you will see the information in the Directory Management & Classroom Management sections in the Teacher Portal tab of the Admin Console, and also the Parent Portal tab in the Directory Management section.
PowerSchool support
Powerschool has a built-in support for FTP, and it can be utilized to send data to our FTP server.
Configuration Steps:
- On PowerSchool admin console, go to System > System Settings > Plugin Management Configuration > Remote Connection Manager
- Click Create Connection. Fill in the form with SFTP information obtained from > Configuration > Rostering
- After the new connection is created, go to System > AutoSend Setup, and create 4 new configurations as mentioned above for the 4 CSV files and utilize the connection created in Step 2. Column names and files names must match the requirement mentioned above.